Kelly's Poem

A poem left by Kelly

You were not meant to save me
I wasn’t meant to stay
So please stop blaming yourself
Since I have gone away

My time on Earth was over
There’s something you should know
My soul had reached its Growth there
It was my time to go

Don’t cry for all the Could Have’s
The What If’s and If Only
Let go of all the guilt you hold
Then you won’t feel so lonely

I Graduated life there
And into Heaven’s light
I live within God’s peace here
My soul is perfectly Bright

Life there is but a chapter
Of a book that carries on
I’m just on the next page now
I really am not gone

The Angels up in Heaven
Help me watch you as you live
Your life there isn’t over yet
You have so much to give

Your life there will touch others
Just as my life there touched you
So be sure to touch them softly
And place love within their view

Just know this will make sense someday
We will look back and smile
You are just merely passing through
We only stay there for a while

So please hold on to my love
As you walk through life each day
And know that I am right here
And Right here, I’ll always stay with you